On Sunday, March 26, in Bengaluru, Royal Challengers Bangalore had a special RCB Unbox event when they introduced their new uniform for the IPL 2023 season. The Royal Challengers Bangalore jersey for the IPL 2023 season was introduced by the team’s captain Faf du Plessis and star performer Virat Kohli.
(Royal Challengers Bangalore) rcb new jersey
There haven’t been many alterations to the RCB franchise’s uniform. The team’s basic uniform colors, red and black, have not changed, but the sponsors have. With the signing of a long-term agreement with Royal Challengers Bangalore, Qatar Airways has taken over as the franchise’s new sponsor in Bangalore.
Royal Challengers Bangalore sent a couple images to Instagram from yesterday night’s jersey launch event. A similar video was published on Twitter as well. The images and video are accessible here: