Bacha girane ki tablet name list price, Best Tablet to prevent pregnancy in india

Chandra Kanta Dalai
Bacha girane ki tablet name list price

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:Contraceptive pills are a common option for Indian women who want to avoid pregnancy, although family planning is a crucial component of reproductive health.

But Choosing the best contraceptive pill may be challenging and confusing because there are so many on the market. By enabling women to plan their families and futures, the correct contraceptive pill may both offer effective contraception and raise their quality of life. (Bacha girane ki tablet name list price)

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price
Bacha girane ki tablet name list price, Bacha girane ki tablet name list price, Bacha girane ki tablet name list price

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price

In this post We will go through the top contraceptive pills available in India, their efficacy, and any possible side effects in this extensive overview. To help you in choosing the right contraceptive tablet/pill for you, we will also give advice on how to use them, when to take them, and other crucial factors.


Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:When you’re having an unprotected sex or contraceptive failure, the i-pill is an emergency contraceptive pill that is meant to be used as a fallback form of contraception. It is not meant to serve as a regular method of contraception.

Levonorgestrel, a synthetic hormone in the pill that prevents ovulation, extends the effectiveness for up to 72 hours following unprotected intercourse. The act of ovulation occurs when an egg is released from the ovary for sperm to fertilise, leading to pregnancy.

I-Pill reduces the likelihood of fertilisation and pregnancy when taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. It does this by preventing the release of an egg from the ovary. The i-pill should not be used as an abortion pill since it does not end an already-existing pregnancy.

Since it is available over-the-counter in India without a prescription, it is a popular option for women who have engaged in unprotected intercourse and wish to avoid becoming pregnant. I-pill should only be used in dire circumstances, nevertheless, as using emergency contraception frequently might disturb the normal balance of hormones and have unfavourable side effects.

i pill price Rs.110

How to use & when to take

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:Combination pills and mini-pills are typically swallowed whole, with one pill taken at the same time each day. In contrast to mini-pills, which solely contain progestin hormone, combination pills include both oestrogen and progestin hormones. To keep the contraceptive working, it’s crucial to take the tablets at the same time each day.

Ideally, emergency contraceptive tablets like the i-pill should be used within 24 hours of unprotected intercourse, although they can be taken up to 72 hours later. For maximum effectiveness, it is crucial to follow the directions on the label for the single oral tablet.

It is significant to note that depending on the kind of tablet and the person’s medical history, the frequency and length of contraceptive pill use may change. To stop sexually transmitted illnesses, it’s also crucial to use supplementary contraceptives like condoms.

02-Unwanted 21 Days

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:In India, women frequently use the contraceptive pill Unwanted 21 Days. Levonorgestrel, a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone, is an ingredient in this hormonal contraceptive. Following a seven-day hiatus, this pill is taken orally every day for 21 straight days. To avoid getting pregnant, this cycle is done each month.

Unwanted 21 Days’ active component prevents ovulation, or the release of an egg from the ovary, which is how it functions. Additionally, it makes it more difficult for sperm to enter the uterus and fertilise eggs by thickening the cervical mucus. When used as prescribed, these activities make it an effective method of contraception.

Because it is simple to use and has a high likelihood of effectiveness, Unwanted 21 Days is a practical choice for women who wish to avoid becoming pregnant. The fact that it does not offer protection against STDs should be noted; alternative means of contraception like condoms should be used instead.

Before beginning to utilise Unwanted 21 Days or any other contraceptive technique, it is crucial to speak with a doctor or healthcare practitioner. They can assess a person’s safety and suitability for the choice based on their medical background, way of life, and other aspects. For the tablet to work as effectively as possible, it is also crucial to use it as instructed and adhere to the suggested timetable.

Unwanted 21 days price-Rs.59

How to use & when to take

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:It’s crucial to adhere to the directions on the container and the advice of a physician or healthcare practitioner when using the Unwanted 21 Days contraceptive pills. Usually, one pill is taken orally once daily for 21 days straight, then there is a seven-day respite. To avoid getting pregnant, this cycle is done each month.

To ensure maximum efficacy, the pill should be taken at the same time each day. Regardless of whether you eat or not, you should drink a glass of water when taking it. The efficacy of the contraceptive may be lowered if a pill is skipped or taken more than 24 hours late, thus extra precautions such condoms should be used to avoid pregnancy.

It is vital to remember that Unwanted 21 Days does not offer protection against sexually transmitted infections (STDs), and that supplementary contraceptive methods such condoms should be used in its place.

It’s vital to speak with a doctor or other healthcare practitioner before beginning to use Unwanted 21 Days or any other kind of contraception. Based on a person’s medical background, lifestyle, and other variables, they can assist in determining whether it is a safe and acceptable alternative. On how to utilise the pill and when to take it for best results, they may also offer detailed advice.

03-Ovral L

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:A combination tablet called Ovral L is frequently used as a contraceptive technique. Levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol, two hormones it contains, combine to inhibit conception. The hormone progesterone, which controls the menstrual cycle and prevents ovulation, is converted into levonorgestrel synthetically. A synthetic oestrogen called ethinylestradiol aids in maintaining a healthy uterine lining.

Ovral L is administered orally once daily for 21 days straight, followed by a seven-day respite. A woman will often have withdrawal bleeding, which is comparable to her period, during the seven-day interval. Then, in order to avoid becoming pregnant, this procedure is repeated each month.

To guarantee maximum efficacy, it is crucial to routinely take Ovral L at the same time every day. To prevent pregnancy, e xtra precautions like condoms should be utilised if a pill is missed or taken more than 24 hours after the scheduled time.

It’s crucial to speak with a doctor or other healthcare professional before beginning to use Ovral L or any other kind of contraception. Based on a person’s medical background, lifestyle, and other variables, they can assist in determining whether it is a safe and acceptable alternative. Additionally, they may offer detailed instructions on how to utilise the medication and the best times to take it for maximum efficiency.

Ovral l price-Rs.59

How to use & when to take

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:It’s crucial to use Ovral L according to the directions on the container and the guidance of a physician or healthcare professional. Usually, one tablet is swallowed whole once a day for 21 days straight, then there is a seven-day respite. A woman could have withdrawal bleeding, which resembles period bleeding, after the seven-day interval.

Ovral L should be taken every day at the same time to guarantee maximum efficiency. The tablet should be consumed whole with a glass of water, whether it is taken with meals or not. Condoms should be used in addition to pills if a tablet is skipped or taken more than 24 hours late because this may diminish the effectiveness of the contraceptive.

And It is crucial that you consult a doctor or healthcare practitioner before beginning to use Ovral L or any other form of contraception. Based on a person’s medical history, lifestyle, and other considerations, they can assist in determining if it is a safe and acceptable alternative.

04-Femilon Tablet

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:The pill femilon is frequently used as a contraceptive technique. It comprises the hormones desogestrel and ethinylestradiol, which together inhibit conception.

Femilon is taken same as others pill once day for 21 days in a row orally, followed by a seven-day respite. The withdrawal bleeding, which resembles a period, that a woman commonly experiences during the seven-day hiatus. After that, this cycle is repeated each month to avoid getting pregnant.

For best results, it is crucial to take Femilon consistently and at the same time every day. Condoms should be used in conjunction to birth control pills, which may lose some of their effectiveness if missed or taken more than 12 hours late.

It’s crucial to speak with a doctor or other healthcare professional before beginning to use Femilon or any other kind of contraception. Based on a person’s medical background, lifestyle, and other variables, they can assist in determining whether it is a safe and acceptable alternative. Additionally, they may offer detailed instructions on how to utilise the medication and the best times to take it for maximum efficiency.

Femilon tablet price-Rs.300

05-Saheli Tablet

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:The Saheli contraceptive pill is advertised and offered for sale in India. It comprises Centchroman, a non-steroidal and non-hormonal contraception, as its active component.

Saheli pills function by preventing ovulation and thickening cervical mucus, which makes it more challenging for sperm to access the egg. For women who prefer not to use hormonal birth control or who have medical conditions that exclude using it, it is regarded as an efficient and secure method of contraception.

Beginning on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle and continuing for as long as needed, saheli pills are taken orally once a week. To guarantee optimal effectiveness, the pill must be taken consistently and on time.

It is crucial to understand that Saheli pills do not offer STI protection and should not be relied upon as the only way of STI defence. To prevent STIs, it is advised to use Saheli pills combined with a barrier form of contraception, such as condoms.

Before beginning any new method of contraception, including Saheli pills, it is always essential to speak with a healthcare professional.

Saheli tablet price-Rs.100

How to use and when to take

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:Starting on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle, saheli pills are taken orally once a week. The pill can be taken with or without meals and should be eaten whole with water.

The following are the steps for using Saheli tablets:

  • One Saheli pill should be taken orally on the fifth day of your menstrual cycle.
  • For the next three weeks, take another pill on the same day of the week, for a total of four tablets in a month.
  • For the following week, put the tablet away.
  • On the eighth day following the seven-day hiatus, begin a fresh pack of Saheli pills.

To guarantee optimal efficacy, it’s critical to consistently and timely take Saheli pills. The usual schedule should be followed if a pill is missed and should be taken as soon as feasible. Consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional if you miss more than one tablet or are unclear of what to do.

To prevent STIs, it is advised to use a barrier form of contraception, such as condoms, in addition to Saheli pills. Keep in mind that Saheli tablets do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STIs).

06-Loette Tablet

Bacha girane ki tablet name list price:A hormonal contraceptive called Loette Tablet is used to stop unintended births. Its two active components, levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol, operate in concert to prevent ovulation, change the cervical mucus, and affect the endometrial lining, making it challenging for sperm to fertilise an egg.

The pill is taken daily for 21U days (it comes in a box of 21 tablets), then there is a seven-day break during which no tablets are taken. Withdrawal bleeding, which resembles menstrual bleeding, happens during this seven-day gap. Regardless of whether the bleeding has stopped or not, a fresh pack of Loette Tablets is begun after the seven-day pause.

To achieve best efficiency, Loette Tablet should be taken at the same time each day. Loette Tablet does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and should not be used as an emergency contraceptive method.

Before using Loette Tablet, talk with your doctor about any medical problems, allergies, or drugs that may interact with the tablet. Women who smoke or have a history of blood clots or certain forms of cancer should also avoid using Loette Tablet.

Loette Tablet price-Rs.267

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